jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Its been a long time

He's supposed to be bouncing a rudementary basketball, but it looks like hes about to kick a football. oh well :)

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Yes, I know the inking is shitty. Having fun with this one though, gonna paint it soon :D

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

moar stuff

moar stuff, for the lonely souls who actually visit this dark corner of the earth where, not much really goes on!
Anyways, the usual sketches, plus! some life drawing, which i havent been to in a while. Enjoy!

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

"Life" drawing

Hi, here are some sketches I made of an nba match i saw on youtube, Im glad to say I didnt pause at any time to get the action well (although some slow motion replays really helped me out...). There are also some random doodles. Still reading gesture drawing for animators by Walt Stanchfield, and trying to put his wise teachings into action. Hope you like it!

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013


Hey there! I was busy drawing bears last night, trying to imitate that style so many animation students use with their character concepts lately. Enjoy!

sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013


Oh hi Mark! Here are some sketches. Please forgive the stupid notes, started reading drawn to life, and "me he motivao" like we say in Madrid :P 

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

One moment the street emanated calm sleep and the next all was ablaze with chemical fires spurting from the ruins of the building. From the midst of flames and smoke there emerged a being of gigantic proportions whose small flickering eyes spoke of a life of servitude. There was no malice in them despite the monstrous appearance of their bearer, his flesh still tender and steaming after the transformation. As he pushed his body out of the rubble and into the city night he seemed to not notice the destruction that lay behind him, years of research obliterated by the explosion. His master would be most displeased but little did it matter now. He looked above to the starless dark, a soft smile drawing on his lips as the cool breeze caressed his nakedness. The sound of sirens neared from afar. He melted into the back streets and alleys, reborn, another monster of the city. 

Text by Alberto Allica -----> http://intotheforestmountain.blogspot.com.es/

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

A frog who was trusted to keep a fetus protected until it hatches. He is honorable, but doesnt know that the being he's holding is an evil demon. P.S Started checking out Hellboy :P so yes, this is an obvious attempt at Mike Mignola's style, which i really like! Ink, scanned and colored in photoshop. took about 3 hours. Enjoy!

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Hello there, heres some sketches, life drawings with model, and random stuff. Enjoy!