domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

No one on the coast was safe from the fish-men of Zasothat (thank you lovercraftian name generator).

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

Hey! It's been a while, you. I'm mostly postng my stuff on facebook now, my, official facebook page huhuhu. Here it is

 anyways, heres some of the stuff i've been posting recently:

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Why hey there stud. Here's some new stuff, 2 pieces i made for 2 friendses birthdayses and then some sketches i made while in Greece, specifically the island of Leros. Very nice very good very handsome, i like it. Trying to capture the basic information (the essence sounds slightly faggy, although, really it is that) in my sketches, so not getting too worried about detail, or perfect perspective. Not really sure why im doing it like that really, although it is much funner than meticulously making sure everything looks pretty.